Hello readers! In the 1st of May 2022 edition, we monitored the 17 new calls recently issued by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. The EIT is an EU body created by the European Union in 2008 to strengthen Europe’s ability to innovate. As an integral part of Horizon Europe Programme, the EIT initiative drives innovation across Europe by bringing together organisations from business, education and research and find innovate solutions to pressing global challenges to create, cooperate and innovate. The new EIT calls for funding are open to current and new Knowledge Innovation Communities. Currently the EIT KICs are eight working in different societal challenges: climate change; digital transition; food sector; health; sustainable energy; manufacturing; raw materials; urban mobility. Almost 1bn Euros was allocated for funding calls for KIC new business plans, cross-KIC initiatives, Higher Education Innovation activities. We also monitored 16 new funding calls issued by the Europeaid Programme for global development in extra-European countries.