Our first issue of CallforEurope WEEKLY REPORT is out Please fell free to answer at the end of the Weekly Report to 2 (only 2 questions). 🔥 In the Report we monitor all the Calls for Proposals issued by European Institutions and Agencies, with deadline now open for the next 6 months. 🔥 More than 60 new open calls are resumed in single Synopses with commentaries, data and all the information, useful for starting your new application for EU funding. Each Synopsis: 💡 can be downloaded in a single .pdf document; 💡 contains links to official documents AND to webpages where partners'search is available; 💡 lets readers to ask to be updated on any news about the single call. Call Synopses are divided in thematic sections: ✔️ Research and Innovation; ✔️ Energy, Environment and Climate Change; ✔️ Enterprises and Economic Development; ✔️ Regional Development and Interregional Cooperation; ✔️ Education, Vocational Training, Culture and Creativity; ✔️ Employment and Social Inclusion. We hope that this new release of 🔥 93 pages 🔥 will be useful for your work on EU funding applications. Please drop us a line for every impression on the CallforEurope WEEKLY REPORT.